I would like to
dedicate this sermon to Jesus Christ and all of my brothers and sisters.
It is my sincere wish that you enjoy this form of enlightenment. It is my
purpose to bring you closer to your real Higher Power, God. This
book reads like a sermon or as if it should be read aloud to someone. I do
hope you will excuse my use of the english language, but I do my best. It
was through prayer that I was able to bring this sermon to you. I offer
simple solutions to the problems facing Christianity. Basically we
humans are the problem with Christianity, not the religion itself. It
is only through people that religion can work and it is also through people that
God works. God is the Higher Power that works and by being his
child you make God work. I am ever grateful to Jesus Christ for
coming into my life. It is through HIS enlightenment that LOVE has truly
touched me. I hope to give the following words new meaning and life.
It is my purpose to show you the light. What you do with it is entirely up
to you. Through prayer and meditation I have become enlightened and I feel
the power of Love in my temple constantly. When the power of God is felt
for the first time it is, humbling. I have asked Jesus Christ to take over
my life and everything that goes with it, including my problems. This
allowed me to be able to forgive myself and therefore I became able to forgive
others for the first time in my life. Life became so simple for me to
understand that I became overwhelmed by my mortality. Once I had overcome
this, I felt God's love and the awakening of Christ in my soul. For the
first time, I had discovered True Love in its most basic form, yet it was
so complex that it had to be God. Jesus Christ had awakened the
child in me, that had laid dormant for so many years. I was like a child
that had discovered a treasure and wanted to share it with everyone. All I
can say is, this treasure is available to anyone, including yourself. You
just need to open your spiritual eyes and throw your carnal sunglasses away to
find this treasure.
We must Love God as
much and more than we Love ourselves, by giving ourselves over to Love or
God. Remember, it is because of God that we even exist. For
without God there would be nothing. This nothing is called "the dark
side." There is a dark side to Love, we must stop living in the
dark and let God's Love be the only light that can bring us out of the
darkness. We can't let satan's darkness be our eternal home. We need
the light to guide us to Jesus Christ. He will flood satan's darkness with
the light of love. By allowing God to interact with: our bodies, our
minds, thoughts and actions, we become one with God. This is a form of
Christ consciousness. You become a living Christ, if your: mind, body,
soul, and spirit are pure of heart. This form of enlightenment is the
highest in the Christian religion and is attainable by anyone. All you
basically need are: true faith, hope, trust and true Love for God and Jesus
Christ. By attaining Christ consciousness, you are enabling yourself to do
the same things Jesus Christ did and more. The real key here is
faith. This faith can move mountains, those mountains of
hopelessness, despair, guilt, and so on. We must turn our lives
over to Jesus Christ and repent for our sins now! For tomorrow may be too
late. Most peoples' problems revolve around the fact that they refuse to grow up
spiritually. It's because of this that we have poverty, wars, hunger, and
a lot more. Ignorance is no longer an excuse...it is a killer. It
is killing the human race and everything along with it. So you say, "What
can we do about it?" First of all we must wake up to the fact that
we are the problem. Secondly, we must do something about it by
changing our lifestyles, not just for ourselves, but to help others too.
By growing up spiritually, we can rid ourselves of our carnal selves. Our
carnal self is the thing that is suppressing our Higher Self. When we let
our higher (Godly) Self rule, our body becomes a spiritual temple of God and we
become a "child of God." All this can be done in one lifetime. After
attaining the child of God status, we must breathe in the holy breath and exhale
all of our bad vibrations.
We must feel the
love that our creator has for us that we could not see due to our carnal
eyes. We also could not see this love due to all the hatred, bigotry, and
malice that we have built up towards our fellow brothers and sisters. It
is time to change for the better. Give Jesus Christ a chance to take over
your problems and replace them with love. We should show others a
reflection of our Inner God speaking to you through your subconscious.
This is sort of using your being to do God's will. You may not even know
that you are being used to that extent. It is love's eyes that you must
see through, not the eyes of hatred. Let God rule in every
situation. What about a healing that can occur to you? How do you
make that come about? Well, before a healing can occur you must not only
be at one with Jesus Christ but you must be at one with yourself. You must
be willing to accept God's miracle of healing, with your mind, body and spirit.
A healing can occur when the God in you touches the God in another being, this
is an outermost feeling of Love. You must use this Love to cleanse your
temple. For the Holy Spirit doesn't work in the filthy temple
(body). We must learn Love and compassion first, before we can truly help
others to be healed of any infirmity. By reinstating our new our new faith
in our higher power, we are affirming our oneness with God. Then we must
establish a new communication with our higher power through Jesus Christ.
In order for us to channel Jesus' spirit through our bodies, we must channel the
Holy Spirit's healing energy to heal others. Of course, we must
have pure temples and intentions. Remember, we must pray to Jesus Christ
before, during, and after the healing. Do not forget that Love, true Love,
must exist first, before anything is done towards a healing. Because God
is Love, so are we. Because God is the answer to all our questions, and
Jesus Christ is our teacher, to some extent. We have become a bunch of
children of all ages, giving AGAPE a try like Jesus Christ gives us a try.
When you doubt, you are sinning against yourself and all that you stand
for. By doubting in God you are in turn doubting yourself by limiting your
perception of Jesus Christ in your life. Give an explanation of your doubts and
you will find your miseries. Have faith and you will discover God.
When you exude belief, faith, and truth, you release yourself from the fleshy
prison that has kept your soul silent for so long. We must allow God to
speak through us with our hearts set on love and not
We tend to be more
receptive when we are staring at love and not hate. When we give of
ourselves to others, we are showing love in action. When we give
unconditional love or Agape, we are giving the same kind of love that God is
giving to us. This is yet another way to Christ consciousness. Yet
when we give in a negative way, we are going against God's will and towards the
evil, carnal Satanist way of life. It seems that doing evil is too easy
and that doing good is difficult. It may seem as if we are putting
ourselves into the lion's mouth on purpose.
You live in hell
because you choose to live there and those living there have chosen the easy way
out. This does not always work out like you think it should. Try not to just see
life through carnal eyes but try to see through God's loving eyes and realize
that the Kingdom of Heaven you seek, comes from within.
To give of oneself
is truly to receive a gift from God. By giving ourselves to others, we in turn
are giving what our creator has given us ... LOVE! When we give love to another
being we are giving a part of ourselves to that person. So by sharing our God
with others, we are giving hope and peace a chance to develop in our various
rela-tionships. If we fail to communicate our emo-tions of love, then we are
allowing Satan to come to life in our lives and to cause misery for our loved
ones. We have to really let go and let God intervene.
So if we can purify
our souls of their carnal nature, then we will allow God to speak through us.
This will open the communication link between you and God by not allowing the
negative thoughts to predominate over our good positive thoughts. We must truly
let go and let God handle it, through Jesus Christ, we must give in to our good
feelings towards others and stop suppressing God. Let evil be the only thought
worthy of suppression, not a lifestyle. When evil is entered as a way of life,
good and positive become bad and negative, thus upsetting the balance of the way
things are to be in our lives. A way of making this balance work is to repent of
your sins and pray that Jesus Christ will accept your repentance and you must
never commit that sin again. Try Christianity, there is nothing wrong with the
religion of being a Christian - it's just the way people go about living a
Christian lifestyle in a carnal body.
Love equals eternity. We have
eternal souls; we just don't die and thus cease to exist. Our cycle of life is
never-ending. Aside from blaspheming the Holy Spirit, no matter what else we do
in this lifetime, we are given a second chance through repentance, if and only
if we ask for repentance through Jesus Christ. If a soul refuses to repent,
Jesus will release it into hell when it has no further use for its physical
body. imagine having a rock for a body for the rest of all time. Instead of
having an eternal soul-spirit, you will live in a certain hell forever. This is
the price you pay if you choose to play Satan's way.
We are all
inherently good to no end but it is the way we are brought up with prejudices
and other negative things our parents teach us that destroys any chance that a
child may have to bring out their good side. Remember that children are
beings like adults. It's God that will sort them all out in the end. Children
feel, hear and repeat what they learn as they grow up. So, if a child is brought
up in prejudice, then it will almost always ruin its own children. The key is to
love and love God. Just simply allow your Higher Power to come alive in
yourself; give the devil his much needed perma-nent rest. The convergence
between God and your Body-Soul-Spirit is meant to occur; not only in ourselves
but in every living thing It seems like we are all truly children and creatures
of God. We must have an awareness of the wrath of God which will occur through
Jesus Christ. Since we must go through Jesus to speak to God and have God listen
to our prayers. In order to see results, we must pray to Jesus Christ.
Re-member, pray for others first, then ask Jesus for HIS help in managing your
life. Never give up! The key is love and to love God. Just simply give in to
your positive feelings and let God come alive in all your thoughts, words and
actions or deeds.
In the living being, there exists a balance of power
between God and all other forces in the universe. There must be a full-circle
balance between good and evil or positive and negative. This balance is called
"LOVE." God is love and basically so are we, it is our job to suppress our evil
carnal selves out of existence. We must keep our evil sides in check and not
allow the negative to overcome our positives. By maintaining the proper balance,
we enable ourselves to become children of God, like Jesus Christ. When you allow
God's light of love to enter your temple, then it is time for you to see through
God's eyes of love and not through the darkness of hate. By attaining the inner
loving peace through our Lord Jesus Christ, we allow a free flowing balance
between positive and negative to occur. This is a way of bringing about love in
other beings. We act as receptors for negative energy when we become totally
positive because unlike attracts and like repels, a basic law of physics. You
will become a total being, balanced in every way. This is harmony and love, just
another way that God speaks to you.
Jesus Christ is God's
representative to us in human form. Jesus is pure and unadulterated love, God's
love or Agape. Each one of us holds the seed of love in our hearts; whether we
choose to nurture this seed to life or to just let it die is our choice. But
what we fail to see is God's choice. God has the choice whether or not He uses
it; to let us drift or to plant us in His garden of life to 'Learn to Love.' It
is our sole mission on this planet to "Learn to Love" both ourselves and others.
After you have erased every evil thought in your mind, you will be on your way
to Love. So, we must forget about hatred and move into love's circle. Where
Jesus is standing in the middle, giving us a chance to repent and change our
ways. We have no other choice but to repent and to change our ways, if we don't
want to live out eternity in hell or even survive.
So where do we come
from? Why are we here? Well, we are all a part of the body of God. Just as God
is a part of our body. Our mission here on earth is to 'Learn to Love'
everything and nothing else. Give Jesus Christ your miserable life and He will
transform it into what it should be, a child of God. It is through God's
existence that we came to be, not the other way around. Why do we question
religion? Because it is so hard to understand and it is as individual as the
thumbprint we wear. Please allow yourself the right to call yourself a child of
God, because you are a child of God.
For the first time we can all
feel the ever present Jesus Christ and exactly what He stands for, love. It was
Jesus' faith and trust in God that enabled the human race to carry on. By simply
agreeing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, you are enabling
yourself to be in the position to be saved. Jesus tried to show and teach love
to His disciples but they were not all receptive to such a simple concept as
spoken of in parables. Imagine trying to speak to everyone in the world about
love. This seems like an impossible task but it is not. Neither is saving the
human race. Jesus Christ can save you, if you give Him His
As God gives to us, so must we give of ourselves to
those others that are less fortunate. We are fast to ask God to forgive us of
our sins, yet we are slow to forgive others of their transgressions against us.
Simply, we should forgive and forget. To be the true child of God that we are,
we must remember the Golden Rule and abide by it, forever. Remember that if we
can't forgive, God can and He will. God wants us to be like Him, so when our
inner being and our outer being become one, we will enter upon the Kingdom of
God and we will truly see Heaven. This can mean that God has succeeded in
bringing Himself out in your temple through the holy light of His love. You must
allow God and not Satan to express Himself in all your thoughts, words, and
actions. If you should have any discrepancy in your positive thought pattern,
ask Jesus to handle it. He will. Have faith because it works, like
There are people today who will kill or take
another life and this is totally against God's way for us. The people who are
killing are only killing their higher Selves So why do we suppress our Higher
Self? Maybe it has something to do with a simple lack of faith in God or oven a
lack of faith in ourselves. Or maybe it's easier to just be carnal by nature.
It's too easy to curse someone than it is to forgive them. We really have to
forgive ourselves first, before we can forgive others. It is imperative that we
direct our prayers to God through Jesus Christ. So remember that when you call
God, you can't call direct. You have to use the operator. Who in this case is
Jesus Christ. Jesus will lovingly answer all prayers the way they expect to be
answered, relaying the sincere ones to God. This, simply put, is the way it
works and it does work!
It is by repentance and through
Jesus Christ that we may be forgiven of our sins. It is by stupidity and human
error that we tend to manage ourselves right out of the religious picture and
into the devil's playground or the earth. Our will should be one will, one
pulse, God's pulse. Giving someone faith is like giving them freedom to choose
between right and wrong, it's all in the freedom. We all have the freedom to
choose between God or Satan. Knowing the repercussions of following the wrong
path, I feel sometimes that we try the wrong path to just see how it feels and
end up in a living hell every time. So we want God to forgive us of our sins,
yet we continue to sin six days a week and expect to be blessed on Sunday, then
do it all again the following week, and so on. God is smarter than given credit
for sometimes, so is Jesus Christ. Look out!
To know your Higher
Power, you must first go to the very center of your consciousness and cleanse to
purify it with love and faith. Then realize that you are a child of God and are
reflecting God's love or Agape toward others. This will cause an inner healing
to occur in your: mind, body and spirit. As a cleansed child of God, you will be
able to heal others. The world is at your feet already, so don't be pompous. God
has given you everything you need, simply by giving you life. It is up to you to
decide what life has to offer, not others. Your Higher Power wants what is best
for you and sometimes it hurts!
Without God, we are like an
unlit candle, useless to mankind. However, to light ourselves with God's love,
we become the light that others need to pass safely through the darkness of
despair and doubt. It is this doubt that is killing mankind. Basically, it's a
simple lack of faith in our Higher Power. There is truly one religion and that
is "LOVE." So until we realize this and act on it, we are still going to have:
wars, poverty, disease and all of the other things that evil has in store for
us. Don't give up, just give in to our Lord Jesus Christ, for He truly is our
last hope.
We keep on looking for the Christian way of life,
yet it is through ourselves that we must find Christ. Like God, He comes from
within. We must purify our temples of all carnal ways and thoughts 'that are
keeping us away from Jesus Christ. We must rid our souls of all carnality and
replace the blank spots with love. When we eliminate our carnal instincts, we
are allowing room for hope, faith and love. It is our destiny to overcome evil
with. good by allowing God through Jesus Christ to run our lives. Sort of as a
father would direct his children out of harm's way. We must also remember that
'our children are the future if there is a future. So we really must teach our
children well in order to prepare them for their future. We must remember that
God wants peace on earth and Jesus Christ is going to make it happen through us
and our actions. Try to understand that when we hurt another person, we are in
turn hurting a part of God. It is our fault that the world is in such a mess,
not God. Where there is a positive, there is a negative, or good versus evil. We
are the ones that are bringing out this evil and we also are responsible for the
good. It's too bad that most people choose to do evil, mainly because carnality
is easier to attain than true love. Evil tends to please our carnal desires and
satanist attitude, giving God not much of a chance in this battle. So in other
words, a great deal of us have become an integral part of the body of the
anti-Christ. In other words, you have become a part of Satan's spawn; who are
destroying everything in their path, including the path. So despite being out
numbered by the opposition, Jesus Christ and His mighty angels will prevail.
Although the anti-Christ is strong, we who are with God will have the last say.
Please do not worry about anything as long as you have true faith, you will
succeed in God's plan.
I hope people will realize the lesson of Learning to
love starts with the self. As soon as you feel God's loving light inside you and
you feel the warmth of His love go through your body, then you become filled
with the Holy Spirit and realize that you have experienced a bodily filling by
the Holy Breath. In essence, you have been released from your 'carnal cocoon'
and have become a butterfly of love. This pleases our Father very much, to see
His child become a member of the family. So by shining the light of love into
our hearts, Jesus Christ has a place to dwell. Isn't it about time God and love
ruled your Life? Jesus Christ has all the answers, so we must pray to Him for
help. Subconsciously, we already have all the answers we need but we want more.
When you find the Christ that dwells within your temple, you will have all the
answers you need and not only will you see the light, you will be the light. So,
by letting love rule your life, you are enabling God to do the same. Try giving
yourself peace of mind for a change, by letting God into your life to bring
about the loving change that is necessary to bring your carnal self to its
spiritual knees, so to speak. You must give God a chance to teach us the lesson
of learning to love, through Jesus Christ.
Remember, the hardest lesson
that we have to learn is to learn to love. By simply learning that it is God's
love that overcomes all evils and hatred. The lesson of love is so simple that a
child could explain. One child of God tried to explain it and He was put to
death on a cross. Jesus Christ tried to show us that His Father's love for His
children was unconditional. God wants His children to follow and live by the Ten
Commandments and the Golden Rule. These are the conditions we have to have met
in order to live in Heaven on earth. Otherwise we are living in hell. Try to
remember that love is God, Jesus Christ is a manifestation of this love and we
are all its children. By allowing this love to enter our temples, we are
awakening the God in our temples and we are allowing ourselves to be whole, for
the first time.
So by sharing and giving this Agape to others, we
are enabling God to interpret and share with His children...us! Giving to others
is one of the main reasons that we are here, by giving to God what Pie has given
to us, we are bringing about love full circle. We can see that it is primary to
our survival as Christians to show God's love through all of our thoughts, words
and deeds. You must also realize that there is truly only one God, the same God
that gave you life.
Try praying to Jesus Christ, He will show you God in
action Remember to be careful what you pray for, you may get it. We are supposed
to for give those who have transgressed against us, not condemn them. It is
karma that will even things up eventually, not you Simply try to turn your
problems over to the Lord, and allow God to interact. Soon your problems will
disappear and you will be able to show others, God's love. Truth is the most
powerful concept on this earth and the truth is God loves you and always
If you can allow God to enter your body through your
soul, and by letting Jesus Christ control your consciousness, you will discover
the Kingdom of the Soul. This first Heaven comes from within and is a form of
consciousness. All levels of consciousness are attainable and God is within
reach. Just reach out with loving hands to pick up a baby sometime, you will see
what it means to touch a brother or sister for the first time. It is love. This
is when you will feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in your bodies and love in
your hearts for others.
We must learn to give what God
has given us, that is love. It is our purpose to love and be loved, not to hate
or be hated. Just as the Golden Rule is put as simply as God could put it, we
are only children and see it as just another rule. We are not all infants and
can perceive what is right and what is wrong. Isn't it time we grow up and face
all our sins and ourselves?
You have to be baptized and
repent of your sins and not sin again, before you can be called a Christian. It
is time to repent now and receive Jesus Christ as your savior, even you non
Christians. It's time to be born again and live a full loving life in God.
Remember that the only sin that is unforgivable in Heaven and on earth is to
blaspheme the Holy Spirit, so don't. Now this is not too much to ask is it? God
wants us to realize that He is here to stay, we aren't. So, show your faith and
trust in God by simply living a Christian life with Jesus Christ. Jesus is our
Lord and Savior, not Satan. Why is it so hard for us to achieve love? Probably
because of the diversity of the world's religions and the fact that there are
billions of beings on this earth. All have different viewpoints on love and how
to attain it. Jesus Christ knows how to attain love and perfection in life; all
you have to do is pray and ask Him.
Jesus Christ does have all the
answers and you can too if you can figure out how to create a balance in nature
and an inner harmony among the earth's inhabitants. He has and is willing to
share it with anyone anytime through prayer and meditation, It's time for us to
tap into Christ's energy and be able to let a little light into the dark side
and a little darkness into the light, or a shadow. We are mere shadows of the
child that dwells within us, because we are only a reflection of God's light. By
allowing ourselves to become the light, we are enabling ourselves to also become
a child of God and we have awakened the Christ consciousness in our soul spirit.
When we attain Christ consciousness, we have succeeded in gaining our position
in the childhood of God the Father. By reaching the status of God the child, we
have defeated Satan and all that he stands for, on earth as it is in Heaven. If
there are any questions, try asking Jesus Christ in prayer for the
The way I see it, love is not just a word, it is a
feeling for someone or something that is so great, it can't be described by
words. Our love should be like God's love, unconditional. This overwhelming
feeling of love is called Agape, or the love that God has for us, His children.
It's too bad we suppress this love with: anger, hatred, jealousy and all the
rest. Pray daily to Jesus Christ and ask him to show you His love. Having true
faith in yourself and God, you can enable yourself and others to light their own
spiritual candles with the light of God's love from the heart of Jesus Christ.
Jesus wants to show us that true love comes from God, not from being carnal. It
is God the Father's love that not only allows us to function but also allows us
to love one another. This is basic and very necessary for our survival on this
planet. The Father knows what is best for His children, the human race.
Remember, to give someone love from the heart is to give from the heart of God.
So try not to be such a taker and give what was given to you,
For those of you who may not have any problems
with love but do have a problem believing in a Higher Power you have my
sympathy. But if there is no God, then how do you explain your existence? Do you
think we are truly alone in our existence? No, we arc not the only living
spe-cies in this universe You have to at least believe in yourself considering
the fact that some Higher Power put you here for a special purpose. Think about
it: life itself had to come from somewhere or something or God! It is ignorant
not to believe in God. It’s like telling a child that there is no Santa Claus
because youcouldn't afford to buy presents. Not only have you lost your
children's trust but you have taken the Christmas spirit away too. All I am
saying is don't give up on some-thing just because someone tells you that there
is no such thing. You must have faith, not only in yourself but in your Higher
Power or God and He will show you the way because He loves you and always
Being an atheist is like being an orphan. Having
lost his parents, the orphan hopes
wishes and even prays for
parents. However, the father and mother never come.
the orphan grows up, he stops hoping, wishing and
praying and he uses his God-given
senses to find his parents. Then
the child finally realizes that his Father and Mother were with him all the time
as his Heavenly Parents. This is when the orphan grows into a child of God. The
time for us to grow up has come. We must realize that we must always have love
and we will always have God to be here. Turn your doubt into faith. Let Jesus
handle any problem. Remember that we were created by God; God was not created by
us. Jesus Christ is living proof of this. He lives in
It is us that are chosen by God to exist and to pray
to Jesus Christ for the answers. We must turn our wills and our lives and
everything else over to Him. You must repent of your sinful carnal ways and
never sin again. A full baptism is also necessary to cleanse our temples as well
as our souls. We must also accept Jesus Christ as our Redeemer and Savior and
Lord, as well as our Brother. You will become a born again Christian who is
ready to start a new life with Jesus Christ. Not only will you have a better
outlook on life, you will have a better life.
When you light the
light that comes from "within with love", then you will begin
truly discover that the child comes from within and also at the
same time is everywhere.
With this powerful a force
of love, evil has no chance for survival. Because of
inability to survive in a world of love it
will perish. Also we must remember that evil degenerates and good regenerates.
Evil will disappear one person at a time, in our time.
How long does it
take to realize that the Kingdom of Heaven comes from within and from everywhere
else comes temptation? We must not give in to temptation. We must simply give it
up. As we release our negativity into the earth and bring forth the positive
goodness that comes from the earth, we discover a new type of electricity. This
electricity is the lifeline we need to get out of the hell we live in now. This
electricity is called love, pure and simple love. Have faith in yourself first,
then show your faith in God to God by directing your prayers to Jesus Christ.
This can be related to entering the first grade after kindergarten. You have
learned the basics and are now ready for the program of learning to love. Try
and see it as each and every lifetime is like a day in school. It's sad that it
takes us so many lifetimes to learn such a simple little lesson as love. By
learning to love, we allow ourselves to graduate from the school of life, to
progress on to whatever God has in mind for us. Maybe we should become
student-teachers of love and truth; for this is truly what God intended but
didn't get. We should be what God wants us to be
free. It is our job to reflect love and what our
Higher Power wants us to become His children of love. God wants us to give Him
love and the way to give love is through our thoughts, words and actions after
you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Try accepting Him as
your brother. It works for me and it will work for you. You see, even Jesus is a
child of God just like we are except Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of
God and we are only the children of humanity. Jesus Christ is our King and we
are to be His loyal subjects of love.
Try to clear your mind of all
thoughts but love and meditate on it. Then try praying to Jesus Christ for the
answers to the questions that have been plaguing you for so long. You will find
peace of mind when you communicate with Jesus, as a child of God. A Father is
not going to punish His child for having made a mistake. God wants us to learn
from our mistakes, not be punished because of them. Now Satan wants us to be
punished for making errors or doing what is right in the eyes of God. Evil
attracts more evil and will degenerate into nothing. However, good will
replenish itself with more good and it even attracts evil. So by bringing evil
to the side of good, we are defeating Satan and all that he stands for, which is
negativity. You see, God or pure love has no room in His life for evil and that
is one reason why Satan was cast down upon this earth.
Another one was
pride. No one here is better than anyone else. We are all human brothers and
sisters who came from the same Heavenly Parents. When you realize that you are
no better than anyone else., you may realize bow Satan felt when he was told
that he is no better than anyone else and that he is surely no God. Satan felt
miserable probably and he decided to make everyone else miserable too by giving
them a carnal self to deal with for the duration of their lives. ]t is our job
to suppress this carnal self into its other form, spirituality. By doing this,
we are allowing our Higher Godly self to take over our prison of the flesh and
turn it into a Holy Temple of God; this is our destiny.
Once we remove our
carnal self and replace it with our spiritual self, then we be come Children of
God by allowing God to be able to come into our lives and experience our senses,
we are allowing ourselves to experience Agape and God at the same time. We are
giving our living God life and new experiences. This is how it is meant to he,
not the way it is but how it will be in the future. You must let go of the
negative and replace it with a new beginning with Jesus Christ. You will
immediately notice a change in your attitude. This can be also called "Christ
Consciousness," or it is the realization that God is not only coming at us from
the inside but He comes from everywhere else at the same time. You will see the
Kingdom of Heaven from the inside out? your insides out. We must love God all
the time, without damning Him or cursing Him, if you have to curse, then curse
the devil. I'm sure Satan would appreciate the attention. In essence, we have to
clean up our acts in order to bc accepted by Jesus Christ. You must also have an
abundance of faith in yourself too because you arc a child of God and you arc
very special. Don't forget to love your self because at the same time you are
actually loving God.
In order to accept God's love, we must first accept
the child that dwells within ourselves. Not only as God's children but as human
beings who do not lie and who also do not do what they dis-like (this is sort of
a paraphrase of the Golden Rule). We must follow the Golden Rule and it doesn't
hurt for us to be enlightened by the words and teachings of Jesus Christ. We are
all chil-dren of God. It's too bad that most of us are lost souls. Remember that
God loves uncondition-ally and He understands that we haven't grown up yet and
that we are all still little children who are also prone to mistakes. Try to
understand that there is no room for love in a heart filled with hatred. It's
time to repent now and to start loving God while you still
We must allow our Higher Power the chance to show us
His love through our Lord
Jesus Christ, even if it's just
once and once is enough. To try to teach your children about religion is one
thing but you must show your children through your thoughts, words and actions
that God is the answer to their religious and spiritual problems. To deliver a
lost soul to God through Jesus Christ is to save a soul from a certain death.
Try to speak as God wants you to speak and not as Satan wants you to speak. Give
Jesus Christ a chance to show you the way to God. Don't let the devil show you
the way to hell. That is no way to go in life or death. To deliver a lost soul
to God is to save that soul from certain death. Do not think that this is an
easy task because it isn't easy at all. Try to speak as Jesus spoke and do what
He did; by keeping faith in His Father, Jesus survived and so will you. By
keeping faith in God, you will receive the gift of love through Jesus Christ. We
must allow this gift to be received by us via the Holy Spirit. Remember, the
Holy Spirit doesn't feel welcome in a prison of thc flesh. So you must clean up
your temple and prepare it for its baptism. You must recognize the Holy Spirit
as an overwhelming bodily feeling of love. By becoming one with God through the
Holy Spirit, we enable ourselves to manifest God's wishes through our bodies and
to all our thoughts, words and actions. God wants us to grow at our own pace and
in time we will recognize His love is real.
With love, we can
overcome anything that is evil. It seems to me that mankind is bringing forth
his own sort of evil, by not doing what is right in God's eyes. There is no
other evil other than what is brought on by mankind's refusal to suppress its
carnal self. This evil is what we call Satan. The normal being can repress and
suppress this negativity to a point of turning this energy into spirituality,
chastity and intellectualism. So by suppressing evil and converting it to
something that is very useful to our souls and to our very beings, we are
defeating the anti-Christ or Satan. Therefore, we must teach our children well
enough to make the right decision about the powerlessness of mankind versus the
power of love or God. Our children are the future and they will be the ones that
make it work, not us. Remember, God will be around forever and we won't unless
we pray and repent of our sins. The first thing we need to do is to pray to
Jesus Christ and have faith in God and you will be saved and forgiven. We must
not let other people's rendition of hell be ours. You must realize that you have
been living in the Kingdom of Heaven all along. Try not to just think about the
negative side of everything and focus on the light that comes from within to
guide others to your child and to guide you through troubled times. Simply be
positive all the time and you’ll see that most negative people will be drawn to
you and your aura. This is worth giving a try. They want what you have: faith,
happiness, truth, love and God through Jesus Christ. The only reason this Is
unattainable to those who are evil is because their carnal self rules their
Higher Self and they have become totally bad or evil. It takes some will power
to overcome the devil. Jesus Christ did and you can
Acceptance plays a major role in today's society; no
matter what part of the world you are from, you must accept others at face value
So let God do His loving work on you and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and
Savior because He is Lord and God Incarnate and He won't let you. down. Just
stop letting Him down and you will see good positive results. You can gain a
Christ consciousness when you realize that what has been previously said is
truth and that without faith, hope and truth towards God, we are hopelessly
trapped in a living bell, living in a body that's a fleshy prison. Personally, I
would rather live in a temple rather than a prison of any kind. We must decide
whether or not we want to live with the best or just exist with the worst. When
it comes to our lifestyles, we tend to take the easy way out, or evil. Anything
that is worthwhile is worth putting out some effort to attain. This is how God
feels about us.
It seems to me that a Christian lifestyle is
preferred over say a Satanistic one. Why? Because the devil's lifestyle is
geared towards death and God's lifestyle is aimed at life and love. Which sounds
better to you, life or death? You decide which one will work for you and your
family. I'm willing to bet God through Jesus Christ is your answer, not Satan.
Wake up and smell the Holy Spirit. She is God's little surprise for us. She is
love in action. Remember that if you live love, then there is no room for error.
But if you live evil, all you have room for is error. It seems to me that Jesus
Christ is the one with all the answers. Simply pray and ask for His help and you
will be surprised by the results. Go ahead and give it a try. You have nothing
to lose and everything to gain. God loves all His children equally. No
kidding. If you live love, there can be no room for error. So stop making
the same mistakes over and over again and rediscover God through Jesus Christ.
In order for those of you who live on the dark side of life to survive, there
must be a glimpse of the light of God. For those who dwell in the light, there
is a small reminder of darkness for us to contemplate. This darkness enables us
to sleep and feel the coldness of death everyday because sleep is just another
form of death. Except we are allowed to awaken to the light everyday and not
just live in the darkness with the hope of waking into life. We must be positive
all the time and allow God to enter our temples at will, thus enabling our souls
to enter into pure love and to the firsthand experience of God's heavenly loving
touch. By allowing our souls and bodies to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we are
allowing others to follow in our footsteps. Like children playing
follow-the-leader. All that we really have to do in this lifetime is to learn to
love and this is a very hard lesson to learn because most of us are not using
all our God-given senses and abilities to achieve love.
You can't see love
through carnal eyes, it tends to turn up as lust every time. So try to rid your
temple of its carnal self by allowing God's light of love to vanquish the
darkness of your soul. By doing this, we allow ourselves to be on the neutral
(Christ) side, where you are neither darkness nor light but you become both This
neutral zone lies between: good and evil, positive and negative, and the
darkness and the light, where peace, hope and truth reside. It's the neutral
path that leads to God and Jesus Christ. In other words, you become at one with
God and the universe as we know them. We need to let our love and faith guide us
to God, who has been with us the whole time.
So this is an inner
quest first, then the outer part comes naturally. You must experience the inner
Kingdom of God first, before you can experience Heaven on Earth. This is not
impossible to achieve and neither is having faith in Jesus Christ. We must heal
ourselves first, then through Jesus, we make it right with God. It is through
prayer and faith in God that we can even overcome Satan and all the evil that he
stands for. So we have to overcome evil by letting go of it and grasp God's
Agape for us. Aren't you tired of running around in a prison of the flesh? It is
difficult if not impossible to accomplish God's good in an evil prison of the
flesh. By enabling your soul to make peace with God through Jesus Christ, you
have defeated the devil and have won a major battle in the fight for
righteousness and love, not evil but love.
Try to see the light that God is
emitting to you from the inside. This light is Holy awareness of love and truth.
God is trying to guide us through the darkness of our doubts to the light of
truth and hope. The truth is most of all mankind is in the dark and is carnal by
nature. This is why our earth is so messed up today. We must decide for
ourselves whether we want to live in hell or if we can live in the Kingdom of
Heaven. God's way is painless, Satan's way is to hell, you decide which is the
way you want to go. No one is going to force you to make the right decision.
Jesus will guide you to God and His Agape; all you have to do is let Him. Help
Jesus Christ and make it easy on Him by simply taking the right path to God. How
hard is it to turn your life over to God via Jesus Christ? It must be pretty
difficult because the majority of people are not doing it, and have no intention
of changing now. It's easy to let go of evil once you have accepted Jesus Christ
as your Lord and personal savior. Even Jesus Christ was baptized in the
Holy Spirit by John the Baptist so you shouldn't be afraid. Even Jesus Christ
was tempted by the devil but Jesus was so pure that even Satan couldn't tempt or
kill him. We must draw our strength from Jesus Christ and rid ourselves of the
demons belonging to our carnal selves. By giving ourselves another chance with
God we can over come anything including Satan. By overcoming our desires for
lust and greed, we allow our spiritual side to emerge from its fleshy prison to
its new temple.
We all then become students of Agape trying to learn
the simple lesson that Jesus Christ tried to teach us, God is love. So why is
this such a hard lesson to learn? Because you can't see God's light through
carnal sunglasses! Even if you could see light it would be a light of lust and
not true love. For the light of time love is a healing, giving light. Lust is
the one that burns like hell and only gives you a moment of pleasure and a
lifetime of pain it seems like love is the only real way to go because the other
way tends to end up in our going through hell for no good reason. We are the
ones that put ourselves through the hell that we call everyday life and God is
not responsible in any way. God has offered us a chance on life through Jesus
Christ. It's too bad that most of us tend to choose the easy way out or evil. As
positive attracts negative, God attracts us (the negative ones) with love and
hope. We must become positive ourselves and show others the way to the light of
love. Therefore we become not only the children of the light of love but we
become filled with the warm healing of God through Jesus
Getting away from evil is simple but staying away
from evil is one of the hardest things to achieve, mainly because we are carnal
by nature and basically because we are only human. By being prone to make
mistakes we set ourselves up for a fall accepting evil as the easy way out and
good as an unattainable goal. It seems to me that we should have more confidence
in ourselves and others. Try to let Jesus Christ guide you to the path of
righteousness and Holy blessings. With Cod as our creator and Jesus Christ as
God Incarnate, we have won the battle before it has even begun. Satan does not
even stand a chance against TRUE LOVE and Jesus Christ; so don't give the devil
the chance to rule your life because he will (rather badly I'd say). So give
Jesus Christ a chance to come into your life through prayer and faith in God.
This truly works, it just takes a little patience and effort on your part. We
should let God's love be our only goal.
Then there is the other side of
the story, about God and Satan. There is a coin that has God for heads and the
devil for tails, the coin is God the child. You flip the coin and get a fifty
chance of love versus lust. In every situation there
is an opposite, even with God so you have Satan. You have created an evil
opposite to love or God and this is the anti-Christ. So bow do you think the
devil feels about never being able to do good? Maybe the devil or our carnal
self needs to be forgiven of its sins of thinking it was something it really
wasn't and to allow ourselves a chance to forgive and forget. By forgiving we
are enabling God to heal us and convert our carnal self to a chaste, spiritual
All I'm saying is that God is like a two-sided coin
basically, one side positive and one side negative. Satan's existence is
dependent on whether we can forgive ourselves or not. If you ask me, I think God
forgives Satan and God is an all-forgiving God; this is true love. As God's only
begotten Son, Jesus Christ is here to see to His Father's wishes. We have a
chance to join the fun and celebrate the awakening we have received by simply
reading a sermon Truth speaks for itself; a lie speaks for the devil. So don't
lie and don't speak for the devil Speak for the whole child of God that dwells
in your soul. Give this being a reason for being loved. All I am trying to say
is there are always two sides to every story and we are afraid to expose
ourselves to God. It's okay to expose yourself to Satan he gets off to that and
probably made you do it in the first place (just kidding). What I am trying to
say is God loves you no matter what you believe. He knows that His children must
experience all phases of life, no matter how bad or good they are God has given
us Jesus Christ, isn't that enough? We have to accept Jesus' love for us because
this love is sent from God to us, the Children. So grow up and act like a
child...it's fun. Try allowing yourself to be the coin and not just one of the
sides. Choose to be a whole being of Christ and not just heads or tails. The
choice is up to you, not anyone else. Try praying to Jesus Christ for the
answers, they will come to you as thoughts.
Since God is
everywhere, the entire earth is covered in love and we are completely covered by
God. Since we know that Satan is merely an accumulation of God's negative
thoughts and nothing more, then we have discovered a great treasure that must be
shared with all. Love is this treasure and we are a manifestation of this love.
Giving love to someone who has lost hope like Satan, is merely offering another
entity a chance to start over. This is the new beginning that we all sec but few
shall find. For no one knows the true power of mind better than Jesus
Christ. It is Jesus who will bring you out of the darkness and into the light,
not Satan. The devil will teach you how to: lie, cheat, steal, kill and
everything else that is the opposite of good.
You must fight the
temptation to do wrong, never give up on God and He will never give up on you.
We are all God's children and there are no exceptions. We have to learn that
even though life is a tough lesson, religion is even a tougher lesson. The
choice is yours. I am here to merely present the facts Your mission, should you
choose to accept it, is to Learn to Love. God wants us to not only be at peace
with ourselves but He wants us to be at peace with Him through love and truth.
We will survive the onslaught of evil that is to come. I am talking about
those who believe in Jesus Christ as survivors. The body of the anti-Christ is
fat with sinners who deny God. Don't you know that even if you deny God you
can't deny Jesus Christ? Because He died for your sins and was resurrected to
reestablish God's love for humanity. All I am trying to say is, you need to
become aware of your Higher Self and your lower self and decide which self to
appease. You can't please both selves at the same time. So try pleasing the
right one for a change. Try to please God's Higher Self. We must develop a
balance between our two selves by making our Higher Self aware of the evil that
our lower (carnal) self is doing to our body, then we can cope with any
situation that we may face. By temporarily removing our sex drives, we allow our
bodies to become temples instead of prisons of the flesh. It is understood that
our lower (neutralized) self is now geared for spirituality and chastity, not
lust and greed. By making a few minor adjustments, we can become a perfect child
of God, wanting nothing but love.
This whole sermon is to make you
aware of God's purpose in our lives, not just what Satan has done to you and
everybody else. We must remember to forgive and forget, before we forget how to
forgive. Remember to heal thyself first, then forgive yourself for all your
discrepancies against God, before you try to forgive someone for trespassing
against you. So by taking all this into consideration then we can visualize God
through the eyes of soul and love and not with carnal eyes. Try and visualize
true love and you will come close to the beauty of God. Take it one step further
and visualize God as the embodiment of everything that exists and that doesn't
exist. God is it!
If you suppress negativity to its full extent, then
it starts to become neutral and if you get
too positive, then it also turns
neutral. By allowing yourself to become neither positive nor negative but
neutral, you are allowing yourself to be on the same spiritual plane as Jesus
Christ. By putting yourself down to the carnal level of living, you are living
with the devil and sinning all the way. Sin is not supposed to be a lifestyle,
it's just the easy way out. Anything worthwhile is to be earned as we have to
learn to earn God's trust. You see love has no prejudice or bias about who
receives it. We just have to remember that love is there for anyone to receive,
good or bad. You must share God's love like you share food. Both will sustain
you and both will maintain life as we know it now. It is through prayer that we
must ask Jesus Christ for the right kind of food we need. He will see that your
prayers are sincere and that you really do need help, and you shall receive all
the help you need, guaranteed. Your help is just a sincere prayer away to Jesus
Christ. So why aren't you praying? Probably because it isn't bedtime yet! No,
Iam just kidding. This material is very serious and also has many repercussions
to it. I am simply expressing my views on not only Christianity but on a
religious whole.
Religion is a body that can't touch itself that is
out of touch with itself. We have to realize this and also realize that we are
all separate religions because we all think as differently as the finger print
on our thumbs. Everyone is, whether they like it or not, a child of God and each
one of us has a different viewpoint on love. God planned it this way. He likes
variety, so do I and so do you.
Try to mass all religions into
one religion and what do you get? A mess. So we must all combine our resources
and allow for only one God, that is God the Father. Then we must become aware of
the accessibility of Christ consciousness to our beings. Then through prayer we
should contact Jesus Christ and allow him to take over our lives and will. This
is a first step towards salvation and an awareness that we have never had
before. It is through prayer to Jesus Christ that we can rid our bodies of their
carnal selves. It is by our faith and love that we are judged by God, not just
by mankind.
We have a choice, either we believe and be saved or
we don't believe and rot in hell. I'm a believer, a true believer in Christ. Any
religion can work as long as you want it to work in your life, you are what
makes it work, not others. When you go to church, do you believe you are
actually accomplishing something that you couldn't do anywhere? I mean can't you
worship God anywhere? We have gotten the idea that we can sin six days a week
and be blessed on the Sabbath Day and go sin again. No way man, wake up and
realize that Jesus Christ and God know what each and every one of us is doing at
any given time. So pray that your life can be changed, then change it for the
better. Give yourself a chance, child.
We need to stop giving up on
things and put our faith and love into each other and into our Higher Power or
God. Jesus will listen and He will act on our prayers as long as He knows they
are sincere. Jesus will be sure that our faith is true when He not only sees us
obeying the laws but when Lie sees true love in our prayers, thoughts, and
actions. Remember that you can salvage your life through repentance and any
God-loving deed. We must allow Jesus Christ to guide us to the pathway of love
and truth. It is by faith that Jesus Christ did miracles and it was by truth
that He was condemned to die on the cross. We must share the knowledge that the
truth can kill and that we are all the killers, through our disbelief in Jesus
Christ and His Father God. We must change now before it's too late. We have the
opportunity to make this world a better place to live but we choose to destroy
it, piece by piece. May God have mercy on our poor wretched
It seems to me that we need to stop putting our
faith in our pockets and start keeping the faith where it belongs, in our hearts
We seem to even doubt ourselves sometimes and this can be dangerous to ourselves
and to others. We need to believe in ourselves, God sure does. By allow mg
ourselves to be limited by doubt, then we are limiting God because we are God
the child. You have to decide if you are capable of loving God as much as He
loves you. Can you really doubt the truth, or just believe a bunch of lies? The
answer surely is no I can't deny the truth. Jesus spoke truth and love but He
was condemned by a bunch of naive people who were not understanding and who were
full of doubt. You see, we can look back on the past and see just what Satan has
done to us. Seeing this, most people do not have forgiveness on the mind, they
have fear and hatred instead. By allowing God to interact here, we can have a
chance to learn to think differently and to act
Jesus Christ will be sure that our faith is true,
when He not only sees us obeying the laws but when He sees true love in our
prayers, thoughts and deeds. Hopefully, you will remember that this lifetime is
not totally unchangeable; we make it what it is and is to be in the future.
Allow Jesus Christ through God to cleanse your sins and to set you on the right
pathway to Agape and God.
You see, our Heavenly Father
wants us to succeed in our good endeavors, not fail. It just seems to me that we
are the ones that truly keep ourselves from succeeding, not God but ourselves.
Trusting in God is sort of like trusting your Father for the first time; you
know that He has your best interests at heart and you know that He loves you, so
reluctantly we give our trust to Him. Knowing very well that the Father will not
only show us His love but He will give us the faith and love that we need,
anytime that His attention is asked for by His Child. All we really need to do
is to pray and ask our Father through Jesus Christ for His loving help. The Lord
will come to your side and help you discover truth and love and the answers to
all your questions. Don't be one of those who gives up on themselves when the
times get rough, be a winner and remove all doubt in yourself and in God. Use
the truth as a mighty weapon against Satan because it already is and always has
been the most powerful concept in this Universe, next to God that
When we talk about soul or the immortal part of our
bodies, we are talking to our child of God. By realizing that God is trying to
communicate through us, we can start to learn how to listen instead of just
acting on impulse all of the time This enables us to be able to advance in
school of life, instead of stagnating in our own
stupidity. It's time for us to grow up and be re-sponsible children of God. Our
Lord Jesus Christ is a fair giving Being and He expects us to act like children,
no matter what age that we may be. Jesus is willing to give you everything you
need to succeed in life; all you have to do is ask for it through prayer. You
will receive exactly what you are willing to give to others, not a prayer more.
Jesus Christ is our saving grace, not the image of evil that is called the
devil. So by letting Jesus Christ take control of our lives, we have removed all
room for error in our lives and arc now able to help others in their quest for
love and God. We have to share the knowledge we receive from God, in order to
allow God to communicate through us to those who have no communication with God.
In this case, it is better to give than to receive, as it is in all cases. Try
to give God a chance to enlighten you and to bring you to Jesus Christ, He will
if you only let Him.
We must never give up on God because the time will
come when we realize that God and Jesus Christ are all we have left. We must
have a strong faith in God as a child would have faith in his or her parents.
When we can put our trust and hope in Jesus Christ we enable ourselves to gain
love and lose all remorse. Let Jesus bring you to life in God's Holy name, thus
allowing you to bring life to others.
It seems that we must discard
our carnal desires and wants and we must allow the child that comes from within
to have what it really wants and that is love. The same thing occurs when you
give your love to another child. They reciprocate by giving this love back to
you and you both feel better about sharing this love with each other. God works
the same way. God gives us His love from the very beginning of our existence. It
seems that most of the time we have to be told that God loves us, before we can
even attempt to give love back to Him. It is this lack of faith that we have
that keeps us from the Father and keeps Satan around to corrupt the corruptible
human beings. Try to keep the faith; the faith that moves mountains also moves
hearts. Let true love be your guide, not your carnal
It seems that people talk a lot about love but they
fail when it comes to allowing God through their thoughts, words and deeds, to
do right. We instinctively do wrong and hesitantly do right. It's easier to sin
than it is to commit a good. So we must follow the law of love. This law of love
is universal in its translation and infinite in its application to our lives. In
this lifetime we will see the light of love which is God, pass through only
Jesus Christ to you. We must not only prepare ourselves but we must teach our
children the truth about God and Jesus Christ.
Because our
children are the future, we must give them a better world to live in, now. We
must educate our children about love and God and not just survival techniques.
It seems to me that the poor little children are not being given a fighting
chance for not only their inalienable rights as living human beings but their
right to grow up without prejudices of any kind. It is prejudice that is killing
off the human race. We must forget about racial bias and love one another as
brother and sister. No matter what color our skin is or what religion that we
claim to belong to, God is the answer. You will discover the truth when you
rediscover God through Jesus Christ. Try to work with Jesus Christ and you will
see good positive results. If you choose to work with Satan, you will truly
discover misery and everything else that is evil and is associated with the
All the fundamentals of Christianity have a purpose
and special reason for being. They are to prepare us for the future, where the
strong will survive. I mean not only the physically strong but the mentally
strong also. We have to start doing what is right in God's eyes and in the eyes
of the Lord. We can't just give up, we have to stick it out no matter what Satan
has in store for us. We have to allow God to come alive in us in order to have a
fighting chance. Through love and truth, we shall overcome Satan, and evil will
perish like a bad thought! We can bring Jesus Christ into our lives by kicking
Satan out. Let love overcome everything of evil and finally let yourself live in
a temple instead of a prison. By cleaning up our acts, we enable God to work on
us through Jesus Christ. Try to stop acting like depraved orphans and realize
that you have parents, Heavenly ones and they love you more than you will ever
realize. You are never alone when your heart is in love with
We must let love be our guide through the jungles of
evil. Live and let live and let evil defeat itself, not you. All you have to do
is to let God into your heart and let Jesus Christ into your life. Soon you will
realize that they have been there all along. So don't give up on God; just try
to give in to truth and faith. If you are going to give up on something, then
give up on Satan or your preoccupation with your lower self. Try looking for the
Christ that dwells within, not the devil that lives in your prison of the flesh.
Remember we must not allow our carnal selves to tell our Higher Selves what to
do. This is wrong. If we do, we are allowing Satan to take over our temples,
thereby turning them into prisons of the flesh. Personally, I would rather be a
child of God than a prisoner of any kind. Try to forgive the devil because by
showing forgiveness to him, you are only showing forgiveness to yourself or a
part of yourself. The only way God can forgive Satan is for us to forgive
ourselves. This is the way to defeat the anti-Christ and to erase all sins. It
is the human race that must change, not God or Jesus Christ. If you can't see to
pray to the Lord, try praying to the Christ that dwells inside you. You will see
the light. Remember the Golden Rule and let it stand above all other rules and
laws. You will soon find your God the child-all you have to do is look in the
mirror. So don't forget to pray as if your life depends upon it-it does! It
seems that the biggest mistake we make is not forgiving ourselves for just being
human. It's time to turn to Jesus Christ for the rest of the answers. God knows
we need His help and He will help. All we have to do is learn to help ourselves
and others. Christianity is my religion by choice. It can be yours too if you
want it. Don't ever give up, and try to say a simple prayer of thanks to Jesus
Christ. You can thank me any time; it's time to thank God now, through prayer to
Jesus Christ. So don't give up on yourself because God hasn't given up on you
and He never will. Jesus Christ will see to it that your prayers are looked
after, the right way with love. All you have to do is have faith.
Not only faith in God but the faith in yourself to pull you through all those
bad times. Put your faith in Jesus Christ, He is the one who changes lives and
moves them towards love. We must simply give ourselves to others, in a
loving way and allow our thoughts, words and deeds to reflect the God that
dwells within us. Give God a chance to speak through the child that dwells
within, you will find the answers you seek. All it really takes is true
faith in God and the world is at your feet. So give up on the devil; he
would give up on you in a heartbeat. Think God and thank God; do this on a
regular basis and you will see a change for the better. I love all my
brothers and sisters and children. This sermon is for all of God's
1st. Church of Love
Doctrine 1. Always obey the Golden Rule 2. Love god as you love yourself 3.
Teach love instead of hate 4. Be sure to pray and worship daily 5. Love to love
everything 6. Obey all of the Ten Commandments 7. You must repent all sins 8.
You must be fully baptized 10. Please accept Jesus Christ as your lord and
savior 11. Our church uses hemp products in its religious practice I Church
Doctrine A. Do unto others as you would have do unto you. B. The Ten
Commandments (to obey) II. Combine the eastern religions with Christianity,
(I.E. use 1/2 the Doctrine form the eastern religion And 1/2 From Christianity
to form the Doctrine. Or the basis for the new religion called simply God. Which
is all Religions combined III We teach love and how it relates to God. We must
believe the our God not only comes from the outside, but he also comes to us
from within also Our God is trying to speak through our thoughts words and
actions. By being Carnal Your are really suppressing love with lust and are
suppressing God with Satan. If your lower self rules your higher self, then you
are carnal. Jesus said:" If some say to you, Where have you come from? Say to
them ' We have cone for the light, where the light cane into being by itself,
established itself, appeared in the image of light! " If the say to you' Are you
like the light? Say we are it children, and we are the chosen of the living
Father!' "If they ask you " What is the evidence of your father in you.' ' Tell
them: It is motion and rest. A During the communion time, several Pipes are to
be passed around to the parishioners. They are asked to share in the spiritual
experience of smoking the sacked herb Marijuana B. Since the den religion "Love"
is a composition of several religions including Rastafarinism, we hereby set the
president in the United States as the first church that is composed of several
religions, yet is a free religion in itself, that is to use hemp in its
religious ceremony. C. As the founder of the Doctrine, I must say that I have
some Cherokee Indian blood in my veins and I do follow some of their ways. As
the shamans smoke hemp to help their journeys with the spirits. Hemp is
non-harmful and is very beneficial to the soul. We use pipes to signify the
sacrifice and we use hemp as the ultimate sacrifice with benefits. By inhaling
Marijuana, you are inhaling another life form, one that gives pleasure, without
pain. We stand on our right to religion to use hemp and its products. God put it
here to use and enjoy. Doctrine Communion: 1. Listen to music.live.taped 2. Pass
around the sacrificial pipes. 3. Begin the service with the open prayer 4.
Speaker will announce topic and begin to talk for 1 hour 5. Meditation Music for
healing service and or meditation for about 30 minutes 6. Closing remarks by
priest. Final blessing. Last prayer. Communion and baptizing Buda- The Four
Immeasurables. 1. Loving kindness 2. Compassion 3. Sympathetic joy 4. Now
Attachment Beginning to eat-With the First taste I promise to offer joy. With
the second, I promise to help relieve the suffering of others. With the third I
promise to see others joy as my own. With the forth, I promise to learn the way
of the Now-attachment and equanimity. So don't give up on yourself because god
has never given up on you and never will. Jesus will see that your prayers are
looked after, the right way. All you have to do is have faith. Not only a faith
in God but he faith in yourself. That is necessary to pull you through bad
times. Put you faith in Jesus Christ, He is the one that changes lives and moves
them toward love. We must simply give ourselves to others and allow our
thoughts, words and actions to reflect the God that dwells in us. Simply do not
allow the presence of satan or any of his demons in your body. Cast out your
carnal self and replace it w/spirit. I am acting in behalf of Jesus Christ and
the God the Father. God the mother or the holy Spirit speaks for herself. There
is something big that's going to happen soon. Really big and the whole world is
going to know about it first. We must repent of our sins and not sin again. We
have to accept our Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and our personal Savior. We must
accept God's love for us through Jesus Christ. We must live each day by the
Golden Rule, forever. As of right now we are never to break any of the Ten
Commandments, We must learn to love 1st Church of Love Doctrine They say mankind
is carnal by nature, I agree. We must rid ourselves of our carnal selves and
allow God to make us more Spiritual and living. We must rid our minds of every
evil thought. We must also be baptized; (total Immersion) and we have to repent
of your sins. We must rebuke satan (lower carnal self) and ask God through Jesus
Christ for his loving forgiveness, for our sins. Then go and sin no more, for
you have been saved. Your are responsible for bringing God alive in yourself,
And others too. After you have done all this, then you must pray to Jesus Christ
for healing.
COPYRIGHT © 1995-2002
P.O. BOX 1322
BUDA, TEXAS 78610-1322